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Pioneering Regional Internet Network launches in Mid-West

NodeOne Founder Nick Van Namen with Hon Alannah MacTiernan MLC at Digital Farm Program announcement, Mt Fairfax, July 2019

In 2018, the State Government introduced the $5 million Digital Farm Grants Program to improve connectivity options for the agricultural and pastoral regions, to create jobs and boost economic growth. Under round one of this grant program, NodeOne was awarded two grants in August 2018 to create fixed wireless networks in the North Midlands and Chapman Valley.

As of 22 April 2020, we are proud to announce the Chapman Valley-Northampton fixed wireless network completed and fully operational through McGowan Government Digital Farm Grants investment.

The better solution for WA.

With the rollout of the National Broadband Network (NBN) satellite service proving to be ineffective for certain areas in regional Western Australia, Farmers started to build their own networks as a solution, because traditional technology, such as fibre, would have cost thousands of dollars a month to maintain, and infrastructure to service one farm could cost millions.

As a nimble and innovative operator, NodeOne used an integrated approach and our expert knowledge to create and implement a unique digital farm solution that out-performs the National Broadband Network (NBN) Sattelite Service offering.

Under the Digital Farms Program, we created a 30-tower network over nine shires, which will give reliable and fast network coverage over nearly 20,000 square kilometres.

Great range, better speeds.

More than 500 farming Mid-West businesses outside the National Broadband Network’s fixed line and fixed wireless footprint now have access to the internet with greater data capacity and speeds up to ten times faster than previously available, at a monthly cost comparable to metropolitan area plans.


Paramount to the success of this project, was our determination to work closely with local communities, subcontractors, and shires. Understanding the individual needs of those within the network area and working alongside them to develop a meaningful solution has resulted in some great outcomes.

A Farmer’s Story.

One example of how the NodeOne network has improved efficiency and safety is Simon Smith.

Simon has been able to install cameras at watering and feeding troughs across his station to monitor his cattle. This monitoring used to occur daily through driving to sites up to 100km from his cattle shed. Simon’s cattle shed also received no wifi or cellular coverage which prohibited any telecommunications, even to emergency services.

The use of heavy machinery and working with cattle comes with a risk of injury to workers and he can now make calls and communicate over wifi while in the cattle shed.

His station, including his main residence, now receives speeds over 50mbps – allowing not only the improvements in efficiency and safety but also the latest entertainment like Netflix streaming.

Get Connected.

If you are located in the Chapman Valley-Northampton area and are looking for alternatives to the NBN Satellite service, please give us a call and we can talk about how we might find a smarter, faster and more local internet solution for you.

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