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Modem vs Router

Modem vs Router

Modem vs Router: What’s the difference for nbn®?

Routers and modems are just different words for the same thing, right? 

Actually, although people often use the words interchangeably, routers and modems are separate devices that do different jobs. 

Here’s everything you need to know about modems and routers.

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Is there a difference between a modem and a router?

Yes, they have different roles in the process of connecting you to the internet. 

  • A modem is a networking device that connects your address to the internet.
  • A router is the networking device that takes that internet and shares it among the devices in your home.

Do I need a modem or router for the nbn®?

You need both – but you will either use two separate devices or a combined modem-router. Confused? We’ll explain…

What is a modem?

Think of your modem like a little translator for your internet. The data flow into your house consists of two separate stages. Each stage “speaks” a different language – the modem works as a translator to translate back and forth between them.

The language of the first stage of the data flow is the analog signal that comes from your  internet service provider (for example, NodeOne). The second language is the digital signal that links the modem to the router and on to the individual devices at your property. 

When you hit play on a video of a cat, the router speaks digital to the modem, asking for the data. The modem translates the request into analog to send it to your ISP. 

When the analog signal returns with the data of the feline video, the modem translates again, turning it into a digital signal your router can understand.

What is a router?

Routers connect all your devices to the internet. Think of it as directing traffic (the internet) around your home to get it everywhere it’s needed.

Your devices send requests for data to the router, which passes the request on to the modem to be translated and sent to your ISP. 

Without a router, you could only connect a single device to the internet at a time, which would be inconvenient, to say the least. Because it deals with a lot of back and forth traffic, routers give your devices their own IP (internet protocol) address so it can direct the outgoing data to the right place.

What about modem routers?

Some devices are more of a two-in-one situation, and function as both a modem and a router.  

These creatively named modem routers are used in houses or buildings that rely on fibre to the node (FTTN) or fibre to the building (FTTB) nbn® technology for their internet. 

If your property uses FTTN or FTTB technology, there will be a utility box outside your home or building that’s connected by copper wiring to a centralised node. The utility box also connects to a VDSL2-compatible modem-router inside your home, which both receives and distributes the internet. 

However, if your property has fibre to the premises (FTTP) or live rurally and rely on wireless technology, you’ll need both a modem and a compatible router, as we explained earlier.

Wi-Fi extenders

Now that you understand the modem vs router issue – what are Wi-Fi extenders? 

As you can probably guess from the name, Wi-Fi extenders expand the coverage that your router can offer. They’re useful if you live in a larger house, as they can give you internet access in every corner of your house.

nbn® plans that come with networking equipment

When you connect to NodeOne, you have the option of purchasing a modem from us.

Why Choose NodeOne?

  • NodeOne is proud to be the first WA company to offer 1,000/1,000 Mbps on the nbn® network.
  • We understand that no nbn® experience is the same, and that’s why we service WA with the best available.
  • The entire NodeOne team is based in WA. This means that you can speak directly to our team of experts who can help. So, you can finally say no to overseas call centres!
  • If you’re coming from a different provider, we will guide you through the process and get you connected fast.

Want to get the most out of your modem and router? Sign up for one of our fast, reliable and local home nbn® plans.

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Get connected today! Select from NodeOne’s lightning-fast internet plans.

If you’re searching for the fastest internet speeds in WA, then NodeOne has you covered. Whether it’s Fixed Wireless or nbn®, our internet plans give you the peace of mind you need when using the internet from home.

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